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Dakota said:   September 21st, 2020 9:55 am


really tired of people thinking they are judge and jury online and like they got some right to screw with someone's life. i get depressed a lot seeing it and know someone who had their little sister kill themselves because of this. you got a legit greevance with someone there's courts for that. this going after people's lives jobs and marriages and what not is wrong and most the time it isnt something legit which is why they dont get courts involved in first place. thanks for fighting it

Claire McBride said:   February 12th, 2020 7:22 pm


You are a beautiful intelligent and talented woman Anna. What a blessing how God is using you to give comfort! I praise our Heavenly Father and THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart Anna

Adam said:   October 2nd, 2019 6:11 pm


I wasnt expecting much when I first contacted to be honest but you really cared and took the time to help me. Wouldnt have made it without you life had no meaning anymore. Now it does again dont quit being awesome we all need you

Scott and Susan said:   March 20th, 2019 10:14 am


Ms. Kavanaugh, 

What you did for us we can never repay. Eternally indebted to you. You have a loving touch and excellent expertise that helped us recover our lives and the business we worked to build so long and hard for. We're on the path to healing now because of you. Forgiveness for the sick evil finger phantoms who tried to ruin us in every way just because they didn't agree with a customer invoice --- that will be a longer road. Our kids may never get over the damage and trust issues they have now from this surreal nightmare but we hope so and will stay in therapy. Thanks for everything and for caring.

Amy Bryant said:   May 18th, 2018 7:35 am


I was at the end of my rope until I found this lifeline; it scares me to think of what I may have done to myself to make it all stop. I was never a person anyone; including myself would think would even consider suicide because I believe it's a sin; but that's what this kind of abuse does. Can drive anyone to suicide; anything to end the pain. Sending love and thanks.

Nadine Davis said:   January 9th, 2018 2:03 pm


Nobody is doing what you're doing or talking about what you talk about the way you talk about it. I couldn't find help for my daughter anywhere because nobody no therapist anywhere understood this isn't bullying for children but something sinister that rips grown people apart thread by thread forever. Saying thank you to you doesnt come close to our gratitude but you helped save my daughter's life and her future and there's no words for something like that. You are an angel of kindness thank you for everything you're doing. It takes a special person to be brave and strong enough to turn one's own pain and trauma into something beautiful to help others. I don't know how you do it because you must have to relive what happened to you over and over again by doing it. God smile upon you always. It's wrong this is allowed to happen to people on the internet. You are saving lives. Love, the Davis family

Kathleen said:   July 24th, 2017 1:15 pm


Anna it's been a joy working with you. Your expertise in understanding the pathology behind cyber abuse and your ability to nail it down so eloquently with your compassionate heart for helping others is so admirable. The insights you've given me to help my own clients recover from their emotional wounds is something I'll use for years to come. Keep up your good work Anna and again thanks for your time and energies!

D. Edward. said:   June 29th, 2016 12:34 pm


I contacted you a few months ago for advice on helping my daughter deal with cyber harasment so bad we had to pull her offline and put her in counseling to address thoughts of suicide they drove her to. We worked with the kind advice you provided us and happy to say she has broken free from letting them control her and she feels happy and safe again. She'd lost all confidences in herself but is much better and our family is making it through it. Back to planning for college for her. The compassionate way you dealt with us was unexpected and made it much easier to have a gentle understanding place to reach out to for help that understood our plight. Thank you for all you're doing and please don't stop fighting for the laws to change to protect people from cyber harasments. You're a godsend to be here to help. Thank you and take care

Sharon B said:   May 26th, 2016 5:02 pm


Thank you!

Kellie Wells said:   April 30th, 2015 4:32 pm


A brief message of appreciation for the help and guidance you kindly gave my adopted son (but to me no difference) and I who are starting a hard road trying to find his birth mother so that he can have assurances and answers about his history and medical ancestry for himself and his own future family. The sensitivity and honesty you showed us is greatly appreciated even hearing some of the possible harsh realities we need to be prepared for in a search like this. Thank you for being here to turn to for support and pointing our search in the right direction on going about trying to obtain his history.

Kat said:   January 31st, 2015 9:45 pm


My family and I have just experienced a month of adult cyber harassment. We found very little help in making it stop. I'm signing because your article really did cover everything we are feeling. Please continue to fight. If there is anything I can do to help, I will. If I can save at least one person from going through what we have been through.....

Debra Cruse said:   January 10th, 2015 2:10 am


I don't know how to thank you so I'll just write thank you! You're a Godsend!

Alan in Oregon said:   November 5th, 2014 9:39 pm


Hi this message is for Anna. Waiting on the final ins for Measure 92 here in OR. I wanted to say thanks for all the campaigning you've done to raise awareness about genetically modified foods. I hope 92 will pass but even if it doesn't 50% of Oregonians have spoken and we'll get it next time. Thanks again. I enjoy your magazine and radio show.

Bryan Dodd said:   October 23rd, 2014 4:53 pm


Anna, thank you for you work. It was a privilege to be able to speak with you about our common goals in internet safety. You are an amazing woman, consider me inspired by your dedication to your work and the conciseness of your impactful message. Your work is saving lives in the present and surely will in the future. I hope you see that as a silver lining to what you endured in your own experience. I appreciate the guidance and time you've given me. Until we speak again, Bryan.

Michele Huckaby said:   August 29th, 2014 12:17 am


Anna: Thank you so much for the work you're doing. I'm so sorry and was stunned to hear of what you've gone thru. I too am busily spreading the word about cyberabuse. I have the greatest respect and send you best wishes.

Pat Howard said:   May 19th, 2014 1:55 pm


Thank you Anna and I congratulate you on the pivotal role you've played in the progression of educating others on cyber abuse and victim damages. I'm looking forward to working with you in this exciting new chapter of your work.

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